The nose can be the most distinctive feature on the face, but it can also be one of the most difficult features to get right. Why do you think that is? What makes the nose different from the other features of the face?
Answer the question below.Then compare your answer to ours.

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The nose is difficult to draw because of the way it protrudes away from the face. Unless you are viewing the face from a profile perspective, the nose has very few real lines. It can only really be defined through shading. |
When drawing the nose, avoid using too many lines and over-exaggerating the nostrils. Look at the following noses and try drawing them in your sketchbook. Click on each image to enlarge it and study the caption for hints and tricks.
Here are a few things to remember when drawing the nose:
- There are usually highlights on the bridge and tip of the nose because they protrude out the furthest.
- All shading should be gently blended because the nose slopes gently to the sides. Harsh shadows make the nose appear disconnected from the face.
- All noses are shaped slightly differently, so pay close attention to where the shadows fall on your model's face.
Take some time today and draw three more noses from live models. If you have only one model, draw their nose from three different perspectives.