Now it’s your turn! Let's review steps given in the slideshow to complete your first portrait!
- Create the face shape and add main guidelines.
- Lightly draw the eyes.
- Draw the nose and mouth.
- Add the ears, neck, and hairline.
- Erase your guidelines and add in details to finish your portrait.
Choose one of the images below or use a live model. If you use a live model, make sure your subject is ready to sit for a while so that you have the proper time to complete the study. (It is easier to work from a flattened image (picture) than it is to work from a live model. Keep this in mind when you are deciding what to draw.) Use your graphite pencils for this project, and then post your portrait study to the Art Discussion Board.
Provide positive and constructive feedback on the work of your classmates. Be sure to be specific!