
Focus on the Details

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Many artists create practice drawings in their sketchbooks in preparation for larger artwork. These are called studies. They are often the close-up perspective of smaller objects or specific parts of a larger object. Examples include hands, eyes, leaves from a tree, petals from a flower, a rock, etc. It is also used to practice using media in different ways.

For this project, you need to prepare your sketchbook by cutting out pieces of tinted pastel paper and taping or gluing them into your sketchbook. Prepare five pieces of pastel paper in your sketchbook that range in size and tint color.

Now, choose subjects for your studiesbased on the list below:

  1. A facial feature from a person
  2. A detail from a plant (leaf, bark, etc.)
  3. A small object done up-close
  4. A hand or foot
  5. Water or a liquid or some kind

Make sure to label each of your drawings with the number that corresponds to each prompt. Make your drawings as detailed as you can. This can be difficult with pastels, but it teaches you to work slowly and build up pigment.

When you are finished, post images of your drawings on the Art Discussion Board and share what you liked about working with pastels and what you struggled with. Read through your classmates' posts and comment on things that you like, ask them a question about their work, or offer some advice if you know how to overcome the struggle they posted about.