Once you find a good source for information about a topic, do you know the best ways to absorb it? How should you read a fact sheet, for instance, to make sure you understand what it can teach you? Fact sheets, like many other forms of informational text, are created to help you retain and use the facts they provide. To fulfill this purpose, they rely on readers' knowledge of certain conventions about presenting information.
Of course, these conventions are helpful only if you know what they are! Use the Fish and Wildlife Service's fact sheet on gray wolves to identify and practice using some features of informational text. First, click the button below to view the fact sheet as it appears on the FSW website. Read the first two paragraphs, and look at the information at the end of the article. Can you identify some of the features of fact sheets, based on this example?
Now see if you can answer these questions about the features of fact sheets. Connect each question to the correct answer.
What are the titles of fact sheets, usually?
A fact sheet is supposed to convey basic information about a topic--not someone's unique point of view. Therefore, fact sheet titles are usually very simple.
A fact sheet is supposed to convey basic information about a topic--not someone's unique point of view. Therefore, fact sheet titles are usually very simple.
What is the purpose of each paragraph in a fact sheet?
A fact sheet provides "just the facts," without appealing to reader's emotions or opinions about the topic.
A fact sheet provides "just the facts," without appealing to reader's emotions or opinions about the topic.
What information appears at the end of this fact sheet?
Typically, fact sheets are supposed to serve as an introduction to a topic. For more detailed information, they refer readers to additional sources.
Typically, fact sheets are supposed to serve as an introduction to a topic. For more detailed information, they refer readers to additional sources.
What purpose do foot notes or end notes serve in a fact sheet?
Unlike more complex scientific articles, fact sheets provide information that nearly any reliable source would provide about the topic--facts that any expert would know. Therefore, detailed source information is not necessary, since the information could be found in any text about the topic.
Unlike more complex scientific articles, fact sheets provide information that nearly any reliable source would provide about the topic--facts that any expert would know. Therefore, detailed source information is not necessary, since the information could be found in any text about the topic.
What kinds of pictures typically appear in fact sheets?
Unlike more complex scientific articles, fact sheets provide information that nearly any reliable source would provide about the topic--facts that any expert would know. Therefore, detailed source information is not necessary, since the information could be found in any text about the topic.
Unlike more complex scientific articles, fact sheets provide information that nearly any reliable source would provide about the topic--facts that any expert would know. Therefore, detailed source information is not necessary, since the information could be found in any text about the topic.
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