
What words should you know to read a scientific article about gray wolves?

Understanding how conventions work in informational text can make research easier and more efficient. For example, if you know what kind of information is supposed to appear in a fact sheet, and how the facts are likely to be organized, you can focus on identifying what the facts are. It also helps to know some of the language that is typically used to discuss the topic.

A pack of grey wolves (Canis Lupus) seen in the Canadian forest during the summer months with pups in the background.
  • rear
  • regurgitate
  • disperse
  • depleted
  • eradication
  • carrion
  • habituate
  • fluctuate

In the first part of Julie of the Wolves, the author relies on some words more than others to describe wolf behavior, including words that also appear in the Gray Wolf fact sheet. Since the fact sheet is a scientific article, though, rather than a work of fiction, you will encounter some terms that are part of the set of conventions used to share scientific knowledge. Use the activities below to learn the meanings of some "scientific words" before you encounter them in the fact sheet.

First, see if you can figure out what each word might mean when used to describe the gray wolf, its habitat, or its behavior. Then click the word to see its definition.

rear (verb)

Figuring out how words are used in context can help you recognize them when you see them again in an article or story. Each of the cards below asks a question that can be answered using one of the words in the list above. Guess which word and then click the card to check your answer. Keep going through the "deck" until you can answer all of the questions correctly.

Buzzard eating prey in field profile

What are these buzzards eating?

Carrion--some animal species prefer it.
Overblown dandelion with seeds flying away with the wind

What happens to the seeds when you blow on a dandelion?

They disperse.
The farmers are spraying vegetable field with pesticides and herbicides.

What does this farmer hope to accomplish, by spraying his field?

the eradication of pests or weeds
UK, Falkland Islands, Gentoo Penguin feeding chicks

How does a penguin feed its chicks?

It regurgitates food into their mouths.
Vintage toned picture of American bison grazing in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA.

What effect did westward expansion have on the American bison?

It depleted the population, and nearly made them extinct.
Startled deer crossing the road. animals in town. animals in strange places and suburbia

What types of wild animals can adjust to city life?

species that can habituate to the presence of humans
Morning fresh air with blue sky background fishing wood boat tied on beach in low tide time and wait for high tide at night to go out fishery in sea. Boat has many bulb for catch squid.

Why is this boat sometimes floating and sometimes sitting on sand?

The water level fluctuates as the tides rise and fall.
Red Fox Vixen (Vulpes vulpes) In Front of Den Full of Kits - captive animal

What is this fox's main responsibility for the next few months?

to rear her young

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