Any time you read an informational article, your purpose should be to identify the article's main ideas and understand how the ideas fit together. In a fact sheet, that task is usually easier than in other types of informational texts. The purpose of a fact sheet is simply to deliver facts--not to persuade you or even to explain complex relationships or new ways of thinking about a topic. For this reason, you can approach a fact sheet in fairly straightforward ways.

Use the "Gray Wolf" fact sheet created by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to practice identifying and summarizing main ideas as you read. First, read the entire article. Then click the Begin button, and answer the questions provided on the right. They will help you understand how fact sheets are organized.
Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)
[1] Second only to humans in adapting to climate extremes, gray wolves once ranged from coast to coast and from Alaska to Mexico in North America. They were absent from the East and the Southeast, which were occupied by red wolves (Canis rufus), and from the large deserts in the southwestern States. By the early 20th century, government-sponsored predator control programs and declines in prey brought gray wolves to near extinction in the lower 48 States.[2] Wolf groups, or packs, typically include a breeding pair (the alpha pair), their offspring, and other non-breeding adults. Wolves are capable of mating by age two or three and sometimes form a lifelong bond. Wolves can live 13 years and reproduce past 10 years of age. On the average five pups are born in early spring and are cared for by the entire pack. For the first six weeks, pups are reared in dens. Dens are often used year after year, but wolves may also dig new dens or use some other type of shelter, such as a cave.
[3] Pups depend on their mother’s milk for the first month, then are gradually weaned and fed regurgitated meat brought by pack members. By seven to eight months of age, when they are almost fully grown, the pups begin traveling with the adults. After a year or two, wolves may leave and try to find a mate and form a pack. Lone, dispersing wolves have traveled as far as 600 miles in search of a new home.
[4] Wolf packs live within territories, which they defend from other wolves. Their territories range in size from 50 square miles to more than 1,000 square miles, depending on the available prey and seasonal prey movements. Wolves travel over large areas to hunt, as far as 30 miles in a day. Although they usually trot along at 5 miles per hour, wolves can run as fast as 40 miles per hour for short distances.
[5] Studies at Yellowstone National Park indicate that wolves support a wide variety of other animals. Ravens, foxes, wolverines, coyotes, bald eagles, and even bears feed on the carcasses of animals killed by wolves. Antelope are swift, elk are alert, and mountain goats are adept at climbing steep cliffs, in part because of the long-term effects of wolf predation. Wolves also help maintain the balance between these ungulates (hoofed animals) and their food supply, making room for plant-eaters such as beavers and small rodents.
[6] Wolves use their distinctive howl to communicate. Biologists have identified a few of the reasons that wolves howl. First, they like to howl. They also howl to reinforce social bonds within the pack, to announce the beginning or end of a hunt, sound an alarm, locate members of the pack, and warn other wolves to stay out of their territory. Wolves howl more frequently in the evening and early morning, especially during winter breeding and pup-rearing.
[7] Settlers moving westward depleted most populations of bison, deer, elk, and moose – animals that were important prey for wolves. Wolves then increasingly turned to sheep and cattle as a replacement for their natural prey. To protect livestock, ranchers and government agencies began an eradication campaign.
[8] Bounty programs initiated in the 19th century continued as late as 1965, offering $20 to $50 per wolf. Wolves were trapped, shot, dug from their dens, and hunted with dogs. Poisoned animal carcasses were left out for wolves, a practice that also killed eagles, ravens, foxes, bears, and other animals that fed on the tainted carrion.
[9] By the time wolves were protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, only a few hundred remained in extreme northeastern Minnesota and a small number on Isle Royale, Michigan. Gray wolves were listed as endangered* in the contiguous 48 States and in Mexico, except that in Minnesota they were listed as threatened.** Alaska wolf populations number 6,000 to 7,000 and are not considered endangered or threatened.
[10] The wolf ’s comeback nationwide is due to its listing under the Endangered Species Act, resulting in increased scientific research and protection from unregulated killing, along with reintroduction and management programs and education efforts that increased public understanding of wolf biology and behavior. Wolf recovery has been so successful that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has removed the gray wolf in the western Great Lakes area from the threatened and endangered species list. Today about 3,020 wolves live in the wild in Minnesota, 30 on Lake Superior’s Isle Royale, about 434 in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and at least 465 in Wisconsin.
[11] In the northern Rocky Mountains, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reintroduced gray wolves into Yellowstone National Park and U.S. Forest Service lands in central Idaho in 1995 and 1996. The reintroduction was successful, and the recovery goals for this population have been exceeded. By December 2007 there were about 1,500 wolves in the in the northern Rocky Mountains of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. Wolf recovery has been so successful that on March 28, 2008, the Service removed the gray wolf in the northern Rocky Mountains from the threatened and endangered species list.
[12] The Mexican gray wolf, a subspecies, Canis lupus baileyi, has also been reintroduced into Arizona and New Mexico. Native to the Southwest, the wolves existed only in zoos until 1998, when 13 of the animals were released in Arizona. By the end of 2006, there were about 60 wolves in the wild in Arizona and New Mexico with another 300 in zoos and other facilities. Since 2002, wolf packs have produced pups in the wild. The goal is to establish a self-sustaining wild population of at least 100 wolves in their historical range.
[13] Gray wolf populations fluctuate with food availability, strife within packs, and disease. In some areas wolf populations may change due to accidental or intentional killing by people. There is some concern that wolf recovery may pose a threat to human safety. However, wolf attacks on humans are extremely rare in North America, even in Canada and Alaska where there are consistently large wolf populations. Most documented attacks have been in areas where wolves habituated to people when they were fed by people or attracted to garbage.
[14] Special features of the Endangered Species Act have been used in parts of the wolf range to allow the removal of wolves that prey on livestock. There are programs to compensate for the loss of livestock and pets in most of the recovery areas.
[15] The Yellowstone and Idaho wolves and the Mexican wolves in the southwestern United States are designated as non-essential, experimental populations under the Endangered Species Act. This designation allows more management flexibility while contributing to recovery.
[16] Wolf recovery efforts have restored a top predator to its ecosystem and improved our understanding of the complex interactions among species in their natural environments.
For more information:
*Endangered means a species is considered in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. ** Threatened means a species is likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1-800-344-WILD April 2008
Reread the first two paragraphs of the fact sheet. What is the topic of the second paragraph?
- where wolf packs make dens
- how long wolves usually live
- the family life of wolves
The second paragraph includes details about several aspects of how wolves form packs and how family members interact.
The second paragraph includes details about several aspects of how wolves form packs and how family members interact.
The second paragraph includes details about several aspects of how wolves form packs and how family members interact.
Read the next two paragraphs. Which sentence best states the main idea of paragraph 3?
- Wolf pups eat a combination of their mother's milk and regurgitated meat.
- Wolf pups are reared by the entire pack until they are old enough to find a mate.
- When looking for a mate or a new pack to join, a young wolf may travel 600 miles.
The main idea includes all of the smaller ideas in the passage.
The main idea includes all of the smaller ideas in the passage.
The main idea includes all of the smaller ideas in the passage.
Read paragraph 5. Which statement best identifies the main idea of this paragraph?
- Wolves have caused other animals to develop special traits.
- Wolves are the only predators in Yellowstone National Park.
- Wolves play an important role in their ecosystems.
The studies performed in Yellowstone Park are supposed to indicate how wolves affect any area they occupy. The main take-away of the study is that wolves help maintain a balanced ecosystem.
The studies performed in Yellowstone Park are supposed to indicate how wolves affect any area they occupy. The main take-away of the study is that wolves help maintain a balanced ecosystem.
The studies performed in Yellowstone Park are supposed to indicate how wolves affect any area they occupy. The main take-away of the study is that wolves help maintain a balanced ecosystem.
Which question is answered by all of the details in paragraph 6?
- What does a wolf howl sound like?
- When and why do wolves howl?
- How do wolves announce the start of a hunt?
All of the details in this paragraph relate to wolves' reasons for howling.
All of the details in this paragraph relate to wolves' reasons for howling.
All of the details in this paragraph relate to wolves' reasons for howling.
Read paragraphs 7 and 8. What is the purpose of these two paragraphs?
- to explain how Americans tried to eradicate wolves
- to persuade readers to join the effort to save the wolves
- to emphasize the cruelty of humans toward animals
The purpose of a fact sheet is to inform--not persuade. These paragraphs describe how and why Americans have "attacked" wolves throughout history.
The purpose of a fact sheet is to inform--not persuade. These paragraphs describe how and why Americans have "attacked" wolves throughout history.
The purpose of a fact sheet is to inform--not persuade. These paragraphs describe how and why Americans have "attacked" wolves throughout history.
What main idea is developed in paragraphs 9 through 12?
- Being identified as endangered meant that wolves could benefit from government research.
- As an endangered species, wolves slowly recovered their numbers, but still remain scarce.
- Adding wolves to the endangered species list has allowed the species to thrive once again.
These paragraphs contain many details related to the status of wolves as threatened or endangered species, but the overall point is that the efforts to protect them have been successful.
These paragraphs contain many details related to the status of wolves as threatened or endangered species, but the overall point is that the efforts to protect them have been successful.
These paragraphs contain many details related to the status of wolves as threatened or endangered species, but the overall point is that the efforts to protect them have been successful.
- Some wolf populations still face challenges, but the current fluctuations in their numbers are considered normal and manageable.
- Most problems with wolves are due to humans' misunderstanding of wolf behavior or their desire to "tame" wolves by feeding them.
- Wolf recovery efforts have restored a top predator to its ecosystem and improved our understanding of the complex interactions among species.
The paragraphs include details about current threats to wolves as well as currently successful management efforts.
The paragraphs include details about current threats to wolves as well as currently successful management efforts.
The paragraphs include details about current threats to wolves as well as currently successful management efforts.
The last paragraph in the article is just one sentence long and includes most of the article's main ideas. What topic is not included in the final sentence?
- typical wolf behavior
- wolf conservation efforts
- what we learn from wolves
Many of the facts in this fact sheet relate to how wolves behave in a pack or alone.
Many of the facts in this fact sheet relate to how wolves behave in a pack or alone.
Many of the facts in this fact sheet relate to how wolves behave in a pack or alone.
Questions answered correctly:
Questions answered incorrectly: