
How well do you understand the concepts and skills introduced in this lesson?

Are you ready to take this lesson's quiz? The questions below will help you find out. Make sure you understand why each correct answer is correct―if you don't, review that part of the lesson.

Which sentence states a recurring theme that appears in both The Giver and “Bonehead”?

  1. Harsh punishment only makes the innocent less likely to participate.
  2. School is a useless place if it doesn’t prepare you for the real world.
  3. Ties of kindship go beyond simply the people you were born to.

Both stories demonstrate what can happen when someone is given total power over someone else. In one story, it’s the Community Elders. In the other, it’s Mr. Stone.

Both stories demonstrate what can happen when someone is given total power over someone else. In one story, it’s the Community Elders. In the other, it’s Mr. Stone.

Both stories demonstrate what can happen when someone is given total power over someone else. In one story, it’s the Community Elders. In the other, it’s Mr. Stone.

Both stories demonstrate what can happen when someone is given total power over someone else. In one story, it’s the Community Elders. In the other, it’s Mr. Stone.

What character archetype often appears during the transformation stage of the hero’s journey?

  1. a mysterious stranger
  2. the loner
  3. the sidekick

The Giver is this person in The Giver. In Pepper & Carrot, it’s the three older witches who try to keep Pepper and themselves under control and who often provide gardening advice.

The Giver is this person in The Giver. In Pepper & Carrot, it’s the three older witches who try to keep Pepper and themselves under control and who often provide gardening advice.

The Giver is this person in The Giver. In Pepper & Carrot, it’s the three older witches who try to keep Pepper and themselves under control and who often provide gardening advice.

The Giver is this person in The Giver. In Pepper & Carrot, it’s the three older witches who try to keep Pepper and themselves under control and who often provide gardening advice.

What makes Pepper similar to Jonas and the narrator of “Bonehead”?

  1. her magical abilities
  2. her desire to be alone
  3. her longing to be older

None of these characters is happy about starting their journey, and they aren’t sure they can complete the journey successfully. For each of them, the transformation stage involves difficult work that is not pleasant and sometimes feels wrong.

None of these characters is happy about starting their journey, and they aren’t sure they can complete the journey successfully. For each of them, the transformation stage involves difficult work that is not pleasant and sometimes feels wrong.

None of these characters is happy about starting their journey, and they aren’t sure they can complete the journey successfully. For each of them, the transformation stage involves difficult work that is not pleasant and sometimes feels wrong.

None of these characters is happy about starting their journey, and they aren’t sure they can complete the journey successfully. For each of them, the transformation stage involves difficult work that is not pleasant and sometimes feels wrong.

At the end of their journey, hero archetypes return to their communities or to their old way of life, but transformed in some way. How has Pepper been transformed? (What has she learned?)

  1. to use her powers only for good
  2. how to be happy where she is
  3. to be suspicious of anyone who looks different

The hero may help the weak in their community resist oppression, or they may help others overcome some kind of threat. The hero may act as a leader or become a source of knowledge.

The hero may help the weak in their community resist oppression, or they may help others overcome some kind of threat. The hero may act as a leader or become a source of knowledge.

The hero may help the weak in their community resist oppression, or they may help others overcome some kind of threat. The hero may act as a leader or become a source of knowledge.

The hero may help the weak in their community resist oppression, or they may help others overcome some kind of threat. The hero may act as a leader or become a source of knowledge.

Which element is NOT included in the typical storyboard? (Select all correct answers.)

  1. rough sketch of each scene

A storyboard is used to record ideas for a story that relies as much on visual elements as on words.

A storyboard is used to record ideas for a story that relies as much on visual elements as on words.

A storyboard is used to record ideas for a story that relies as much on visual elements as on words.

A storyboard is used to record ideas for a story that relies as much on visual elements as on words.

Which character in the web comic Pepper & Carrot is the trickster?

  1. Becky
  2. Winchester
  3. Cumin

The trickster is an amusing character who takes risks―usually to make himself seem smart or powerful to others―and then finds himself in trouble

The trickster is an amusing character who takes risks―usually to make himself seem smart or powerful to others―and then finds himself in trouble

The trickster is an amusing character who takes risks―usually to make himself seem smart or powerful to others―and then finds himself in trouble

The trickster is an amusing character who takes risks―usually to make himself seem smart or powerful to others―and then finds himself in trouble


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