
What kind of conflict causes a hero to begin her journey?

So far, Pepper’s problems have not been all that challenging, and they haven’t changed her life much either. To become a hero, Pepper will have to encounter a more serious conflict―just as Jonas did at the Ceremony of Twelve. This conflict will start the Initiation or transformation stage of the hero’s journey. Read the next two episodes of Pepper & Carrot to see what the comic’s creator has in mind for Pepper.

comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)
comic Created by David Revoy, translated by Alex Gryson (Creative Commons license 4.0)

These two episodes represent the end of the departure stage, when the hero faces a life-changing conflict, and also the beginning of the transformation stage, when the hero gains the skills and experiences to become exceptional in some way. Use the questions below to identify specific elements of the transformation stage in Pepper’s journey.

Which sentence best describes the conflict that sets Pepper on her “journey”?

  1. Pepper encounters a monster that she must defeat to survive.
  2. Pepper realizes that she needs better skills to gain fame and fortune.

The other witches of Chaosah want Pepper to be more like them―mean and intimidating. Pepper doesn’t like that idea because her nature is playful and kind. However, her mentors give her no choice―she will lose all her powers if she doesn’t start this journey.

The other witches of Chaosah want Pepper to be more like them―mean and intimidating. Pepper doesn’t like that idea because her nature is playful and kind. However, her mentors give her no choice―she will lose all her powers if she doesn’t start this journey.

The other witches of Chaosah want Pepper to be more like them―mean and intimidating. Pepper doesn’t like that idea because her nature is playful and kind. However, her mentors give her no choice―she will lose all her powers if she doesn’t start this journey.

How does this new conflict change Pepper’s life?

  1. She has to travel to a distant land where she knows no one.
  2. She is able to spend less time with her beloved Carrot.

Before Pepper was forced to begin her journey, she was able to do whatever she wanted. She spent her time creating fun, whimsical potions that suited her personality. Now she has to study hard, learn new knowledge and skills, and follow the directions of others. She also has to focus on more “serious” projects.

Before Pepper was forced to begin her journey, she was able to do whatever she wanted. She spent her time creating fun, whimsical potions that suited her personality. Now she has to study hard, learn new knowledge and skills, and follow the directions of others. She also has to focus on more “serious” projects.

Before Pepper was forced to begin her journey, she was able to do whatever she wanted. She spent her time creating fun, whimsical potions that suited her personality. Now she has to study hard, learn new knowledge and skills, and follow the directions of others. She also has to focus on more “serious” projects.

What does Pepper’s approach to getting a dragon’s tooth say about her personality?

  1. She tends to think through a problem carefully before starting to solve it.
  2. She lacks initiative―she has to be told exactly what to do and how to do it.

Pepper figures out how to collect “dragon’s teeth” through trial and error. Because she doesn’t take the time to understand the problem fully, though, Pepper collects the wrong kind of dragon’s tooth.

Pepper figures out how to collect “dragon’s teeth” through trial and error. Because she doesn’t take the time to understand the problem fully, though, Pepper collects the wrong kind of dragon’s tooth.

Pepper figures out how to collect “dragon’s teeth” through trial and error. Because she doesn’t take the time to understand the problem fully, though, Pepper collects the wrong kind of dragon’s tooth.


Questions answered correctly:

Questions answered incorrectly:


How is Pepper similar to Jonas and the narrator of “Bonehead”? What’s similar about their journeys?