
How much have you learned about conducting an analytical research project?

Think about what you have learned about the steps involved in writing a research report. Answer the questions by choosing the best response.

How do research assignments tend to change as you get older and more advanced as a student/scholar?

  1. They require you to write longer and more detailed reports.
  2. They require analysis--not just reporting--of information.
  3. They allow you more freedom in choosing a topic to research.
  4. They are less restrictive about the style of language you can use.

In higher-level courses, students are expected to think analytically about the texts and ideas they encounter, including the concepts and sources involved in research projects.

In higher-level courses, students are expected to think analytically about the texts and ideas they encounter, including the concepts and sources involved in research projects.

In higher-level courses, students are expected to think analytically about the texts and ideas they encounter, including the concepts and sources involved in research projects.

In higher-level courses, students are expected to think analytically about the texts and ideas they encounter, including the concepts and sources involved in research projects.

Which statement is an example of a broad analytical claim based on research?

  1. Most of the founding fathers owned slaves, even though a few of them worked to end or seriously limit the practice of slavery in America.
  2. For most Americans, the founding fathers exist as a collection of ambiguous but powerful concepts rather than as heroic or accomplished individuals.
  3. How and when the founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence is less important to Americans than the fact that so many did.
  4. Many more colonists signed the Declaration of Independence than most Americans realize; most people imagine the list as a dozen or so individuals.

An analytical claim says something about the information gained during research--it's a statement that is both supportable and debatable.

An analytical claim says something about the information gained during research--it's a statement that is both supportable and debatable.

An analytical claim says something about the information gained during research--it's a statement that is both supportable and debatable.

An analytical claim says something about the information gained during research--it's a statement that is both supportable and debatable.

What is the purpose of a research plan?

  1. to organize the ideas that a researcher has found, before writing them up
  2. to prove that a student started working on a project right away
  3. to help a researcher expand his or her ideas about where to locate information
  4. to ensure that a student analyzes each source as he or she finds it

A research plan provides structure that helps you meet deadlines and pace yourself. It also provides a way for you to keep track of what you have done already.

A research plan provides structure that helps you meet deadlines and pace yourself. It also provides a way for you to keep track of what you have done already.

A research plan provides structure that helps you meet deadlines and pace yourself. It also provides a way for you to keep track of what you have done already.

A research plan provides structure that helps you meet deadlines and pace yourself. It also provides a way for you to keep track of what you have done already.

What important information can you gain from a Wikipedia article on your topic?

  1. reviews of sources that may be essential to understanding your topic
  2. facts about related topics that Wikipedia writers find fascinating
  3. the most valid and reliable information about your topic
  4. links to, or information about, additional sources of information and analysis

As a rule, you can cannot assume that the information on Wikipedia been "vetted" by a panel of experts, but the sources referenced in these articles typically are peer-reviewed and reliable, as you can tell from the publication information for each reference.

As a rule, you can cannot assume that the information on Wikipedia been "vetted" by a panel of experts, but the sources referenced in these articles typically are peer-reviewed and reliable, as you can tell from the publication information for each reference.

As a rule, you can cannot assume that the information on Wikipedia been "vetted" by a panel of experts, but the sources referenced in these articles typically are peer-reviewed and reliable, as you can tell from the publication information for each reference.

As a rule, you can cannot assume that the information on Wikipedia been "vetted" by a panel of experts, but the sources referenced in these articles typically are peer-reviewed and reliable, as you can tell from the publication information for each reference.

What question should you ask when considering whom to interview for information about your topic?

  1. Who would have some sort of personal experience with my topic?
  2. Who might have written research papers on topics that are similar to mine?
  3. Who would be the easiest person for me to contact and arrange to meet?
  4. Who has knowledge of my topic that I probably couldn't find in other sources?

When you interview an expert, it's best to use that time asking questions that you probably won't get answered by reading texts or watching multimedia presentations.

When you interview an expert, it's best to use that time asking questions that you probably won't get answered by reading texts or watching multimedia presentations.

When you interview an expert, it's best to use that time asking questions that you probably won't get answered by reading texts or watching multimedia presentations.

When you interview an expert, it's best to use that time asking questions that you probably won't get answered by reading texts or watching multimedia presentations.


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