
Where else should you look for reliable information?

The Internet may provide a fine start for your research, but you should not restrict yourself to online searches alone. Most public and university libraries have searchable databases, or catalogs, that include the library's entire collection of reference materials, nonfiction books, magazines, and journal articles, as well as any multimedia available at the library or one of its branches. In many cases, the catalog can be accessed from your home or school using an Internet connection. If you have access to one of these catalogs, you can use the same search terms you used for your Internet search to explore the catalog.

a teacher helping a studentman training student in woodworkingwoman helping female student in an office

A face-to-face or email interview is another great way to gain information from people who already know a great deal about the topic. Experts such as professionals in a related field of work or study, college professors, or journalists who have written about the topic can provide unique insights related to your research question. Who should you try to track down for information or insight about your topic? Use this activity to start thinking about the best "expert" to ask, based on your research question. Drag each potential interviewee to the question he or she could answer best.

Click here to begin.
your fire department's chief
How do local officials know what to do when a natural or man-made disaster occurs?
How was the public informed about local emergencies before the invention of the telephone?
The fire department would be closely involved in local responses to natural disasters.
The fire department would be closely involved in local responses to natural disasters.
a high school physics teacher
How has scientists' study of outer space changed in the past 20 years?
How has the role of government in education changed in the past 100 years?
A high school science teacher is likely to know much more about the history of science than the history of education.
A high school science teacher is likely to know much more about the history of science than the history of education.
a relative who works for a newspaper or local television network
What role does advertising play in how the news is reported?
How much news is distributed through newspapers versus television broadcasts?
Someone who works for a news agency will have heard plenty about where ads fit into the programming.
Someone who works for a news agency will have heard plenty about where ads fit into the programming.
a member of a popular local band
How did social media become the best way to build a fan base?
What is it like to use social media as "advertising"?
You're likely to get some insight on the topic of social media advertising and why it is so popular just listening to someone who uses it to promote a service or image.
You're likely to get some insight on the topic of social media advertising and why it is so popular just listening to someone who uses it to promote a service or image.
