
What should you do before you start searching online or in your local library?

Before you begin searching for sources for an analytical research project, it's smart to make sure you know what categories of sources work best for these kinds of projects. Use the activity below to review the different kinds of texts you'll encounter--and the role they might play in your research and analysis.

What type of source could you consult for historical context related to your research question?

fiction books that include an aspect of your topic

nonfiction books about the topic of your question

Typically, longer nonfiction/informational works include one or more chapters that provide historical context on the book's subject.
Typically, longer nonfiction/informational works include one or more chapters that provide historical context on the book's subject.
Where would you look to find your own examples of how Americans have used the phrase founding fathers?

primary sources from different eras in history

secondary sources by contemporary historians

You would read and analyze texts written at various times in U.S. history that also use the term founding fathers.
You would read and analyze texts written at various times in U.S. history that also use the term founding fathers.
What kinds of sources would you need to analyze changes in sports broadcasting throughout the 20th century?

historical documents

video and audio files

A broadcast is a message sent out to large numbers of people at once; to analyze changes in broadcasting, you would need examples of radio and/or television segments from different decades.
A broadcast is a message sent out to large numbers of people at once; to analyze changes in broadcasting, you would need examples of radio and/or television segments from different decades.
What if you want to see what other researchers have to say about your topic? What kind of source will provide this information?

secondary sources

primary sources

You need to find an article written by an expert on your topic, such as an article written for an academic or professional journal.
You need to find an article written by an expert on your topic, such as an article written for an academic or professional journal.
For which topic would an expert speaker provide the best information?

portrayals of historical figures in Hollywood films

strategies for promoting better disaster preparation among citizens

There are likely to be local officials in your area who are involved in distributing emergency preparedness information.
There are likely to be local officials in your area who are involved in distributing emergency preparedness information.
