
How does stress contribute to physical illness?

General Adaptation Syndrome began as a way for humans, like other organisms, to survive physical threats. However, in the modern world, GAS can make us vulnerable to physical damage from the stress of everyday problems. When our bodies respond to these common annoyances as if they were life-threatening situations, the steady flood of stress hormones in our bloodstream can create lasting damage in the form of stress-related illnesses. To learn more about some common stress-related illnesses, click on each affected body system below.

Psychological/Neurological System
Gastrointestinal System
Cardiovascular System
Immune System

It’s important to note that the relationship between stress and illness is more complex than saying that certain illness are "stress induced." Stress does not cause any illness directly, but it can make an existing condition worse; or it can work with other factors like genetics and diet to make an organism more vulnerable to illness.