
How well have you learned the skills and content in this lesson?

These questions will help you prepare for the lesson quiz. Be sure to read the feedback carefully for any questions you answer incorrectly, and review those topics before leaving this lesson and taking the quiz.

What was the MAIN reason Stalin was an unusual ally for the U.S. and Britain?

  1. He was the only wartime leader still in power by the end of the war.
  2. At the start of the war, he had allied with Nazi Germany.
  3. He did not support their goals for a democratic post-war world.
  4. FDR supported him, but Churchill did not.

Stalin agreed to join the Allies because he wanted money, equipment, and other help fighting the German invasion. Stalin never abandoned his original plan to occupy and annex eastern Europe, making it part of the Soviet Union. For him, WWII was a chance for expansion and nothing else.

Stalin agreed to join the Allies because he wanted money, equipment, and other help fighting the German invasion. Stalin never abandoned his original plan to occupy and annex eastern Europe, making it part of the Soviet Union. For him, WWII was a chance for expansion and nothing else.

Stalin agreed to join the Allies because he wanted money, equipment, and other help fighting the German invasion. Stalin never abandoned his original plan to occupy and annex eastern Europe, making it part of the Soviet Union. For him, WWII was a chance for expansion and nothing else.

Stalin agreed to join the Allies because he wanted money, equipment, and other help fighting the German invasion. Stalin never abandoned his original plan to occupy and annex eastern Europe, making it part of the Soviet Union. For him, WWII was a chance for expansion and nothing else.

What was the BIGGEST difference between President Truman and FDR?

  1. Truman was willing to use force to stop Soviet expansion.
  2. Truman was not as dynamic as FDR.
  3. Truman was willing to compromise with Stalin.
  4. Truman did not get along with the new British prime minister.

Truman did not think Stalin was bluffing about fighting a war over Europe, and Truman surprised people with his willingness to take a harder line against Stalin than FDR ever had.

Truman did not think Stalin was bluffing about fighting a war over Europe, and Truman surprised people with his willingness to take a harder line against Stalin than FDR ever had.

Truman did not think Stalin was bluffing about fighting a war over Europe, and Truman surprised people with his willingness to take a harder line against Stalin than FDR ever had.

Truman did not think Stalin was bluffing about fighting a war over Europe, and Truman surprised people with his willingness to take a harder line against Stalin than FDR ever had.

Why did the U.S. and Britain allow the Soviet Union to annex Poland at the Potsdam Conference?

  1. They exchanged Poland for Germany.
  2. The Polish people voted to join the Soviet Union.
  3. The Soviet Union already occupied half of Poland.
  4. They were not willing to fight a war over it, and Stalin was.

The U.S. and Britain were in a difficult situation. They had promised to restore Poland's sovereignty. But they were not willing to fight another war to do so. When the Soviets made it clear they would not leave Poland without a war, the Allies sacrificed Poland.

The U.S. and Britain were in a difficult situation. They had promised to restore Poland's sovereignty. But they were not willing to fight another war to do so. When the Soviets made it clear they would not leave Poland without a war, the Allies sacrificed Poland.

The U.S. and Britain were in a difficult situation. They had promised to restore Poland's sovereignty. But they were not willing to fight another war to do so. When the Soviets made it clear they would not leave Poland without a war, the Allies sacrificed Poland.

The U.S. and Britain were in a difficult situation. They had promised to restore Poland's sovereignty. But they were not willing to fight another war to do so. When the Soviets made it clear they would not leave Poland without a war, the Allies sacrificed Poland.

What was the Eastern bloc?

  1. the European nations that remained sovereign but became Communist
  2. the European nations that were annexed by the Soviet Union
  3. the part of Europe that was a temporary Soviet occupation zone
  4. the part of Germany and Poland occupied by the Soviets

The eastern European nations of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania, which were all annexed by the Soviet Union, became known as the Eastern bloc. They lost their sovereignty and had Soviet-run governments put in place.

The eastern European nations of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania, which were all annexed by the Soviet Union, became known as the Eastern bloc. They lost their sovereignty and had Soviet-run governments put in place.

The eastern European nations of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania, which were all annexed by the Soviet Union, became known as the Eastern bloc. They lost their sovereignty and had Soviet-run governments put in place.

The eastern European nations of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania, which were all annexed by the Soviet Union, became known as the Eastern bloc. They lost their sovereignty and had Soviet-run governments put in place.

What was the MAIN message of the Potsdam Declaration?

  1. Japan must surrender or be destroyed.
  2. The partition of Europe amongst the four Allied nations was temporary.
  3. The Soviet Union would join the war in the Pacific immediately.
  4. The Allies had agreed on forming and joining the UN.

The Declaration offered peace terms to Japan, then ended with a warning that if Japan did not immediately surrender and accept those terms, it would face "prompt and utter destruction."

The Declaration offered peace terms to Japan, then ended with a warning that if Japan did not immediately surrender and accept those terms, it would face "prompt and utter destruction."

The Declaration offered peace terms to Japan, then ended with a warning that if Japan did not immediately surrender and accept those terms, it would face "prompt and utter destruction."

The Declaration offered peace terms to Japan, then ended with a warning that if Japan did not immediately surrender and accept those terms, it would face "prompt and utter destruction."

What did the UN Charter dedicate its members to?

  1. supporting democracy and national sovereignty
  2. working together to ensure that Europe recovered from the war
  3. supporting human rights and preventing armed conflicts
  4. creating a Declaration of Human Rights for all nations to live by

The Charter's Preamble dedicated the new UN and its member nations to affirm their faith in fundamental human rights, the dignity and worth of all people, and the equal rights of nations large and small. It also said the UN would ensure that armed force would not be used by member nations against each other.

The Charter's Preamble dedicated the new UN and its member nations to affirm their faith in fundamental human rights, the dignity and worth of all people, and the equal rights of nations large and small. It also said the UN would ensure that armed force would not be used by member nations against each other.

The Charter's Preamble dedicated the new UN and its member nations to affirm their faith in fundamental human rights, the dignity and worth of all people, and the equal rights of nations large and small. It also said the UN would ensure that armed force would not be used by member nations against each other.

The Charter's Preamble dedicated the new UN and its member nations to affirm their faith in fundamental human rights, the dignity and worth of all people, and the equal rights of nations large and small. It also said the UN would ensure that armed force would not be used by member nations against each other.


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