
How can you prove the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular?

You just saw that the diagonals of a rhombus intersect at a right angle. In other words, they're perpendicular. It turns out that a parallelogram is a rhombus if and only if the diagonals are perpendicular.

Rhombus Postulate

A parallelogram is a rhombus if and only if the diagonals are perpendicular.


In order to prove this postulate, what two supporting statements must you prove?

  1. If a parallelogram is a rhombus, the diagonals are perpendicular.

  2. If the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular, the parallelogram is a rhombus.

Keep reading to see how to prove this postulate.

Statement 1

Your Turn

Statement 2

Parallelogram is a rhombus

Given: Parallelogram ABCD is a rhombus. 

ProveAC is perpendicular to BD.

By definition of rhombus, AB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) BC \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) CD \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) AD because all sides of a rhombus are congruent.
By definition of isosceles triangle, ∠a1 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠c1 because angles opposite two congruent sides are also congruent.
Also by definition of isosceles triangles, ∠b2 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠d2, ∠a2 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠c2, and ∠b1 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠d1 because they are all angles opposite two congruent sides.
By angle-side-angle (ASA), △AOB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) △BOC \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) △COD \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) △AOD.
By definition of congruent triangles, ∠AOB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠BOC \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠COD \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠AOD.
By observation ∠AOB + ∠BOC + ∠COD + ∠AOD = 360°.
Because the angles are congruent and their sum is 360°, ∠AOB = ∠BOC = ∠COD = ∠AOD = 90°
By definition of perpendicular, AC is perpendicular to BD.

It's your turn. Prove that AC is perpendicular to BD in rhombus ABCD. Create your proof and then check your work by clicking the reveal button below.

Parallelogram is a rhombus

Given: Parallelogram ABCD is a rhombus. 

ProveAC is perpendicular to BD.

Statements Reasons
AB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) BC \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) CD \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) AD By definition of rhombus, all sides are congruent
∠a1 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠c1, ∠b2 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠d2, ∠a2 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠c2, and ∠b1 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠d1 By definition of isosceles triangle, angles opposite two congruent sides are also congruent
△AOB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) △BOC \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) △COD \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) △AOD By angle-side-angle (ASA)
∠AOB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠BOC \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠COD \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠AOD By definition of congruent triangles
∠AOB + ∠BOC + ∠COD + ∠AOD = 360° By observation
∠AOB = ∠BOC = ∠COD = ∠AOD = 90° The angles are congruent and their sum is 360°
AC is perpendicular to BD By definition of perpendicular

You've proven the first statement. Now it's time to prove the second statement: If the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular, the parallelogram is a rhombus.

Parallelogram is a rhombus

Given: In parallelogram ABCD, AC is perpendicular to BD.

Prove: ABCD is a rhombus.

By definition of parallel lines, ∠a1 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠c2, ∠a2 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠ c1, ∠b1 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠d2, and ∠b2 \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠d1 because these are alternate interior angles.
By definition of parallelogram, AB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) CD and BC \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) AD because opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
By ASA, △BOC \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) △AOD and △AOB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) △COD.
By definition of congruent triangles, segment AO \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) segment OC and segment BO \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) segment OD because corresponding sides of congruent triangles are congruent.
By definition of perpendicular, ∠AOB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) ∠BOC because both angles are 90°.
By side-angle-side (SAS), △AOB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) △BOC.
By definition of congruent triangles, side AB \(\small\mathsf{\cong}\) side BC because corresponding sides of congruent triangles are congruent.
Because consecutive sides are congruent, parallelogram ABCD is a rhombus.