

Andrew is looking forward to the end of the school year.   He is taking history, math, and Spanish online and English, biology and PE at his local high school. For the first time in his three years of high school, he is running with the track team.  By adding a sport to his schedule, Andrew is finding that it is more difficult to get everything done. When he has a track meet, he does not get home until eight o’clock in the evening or later. Even without a meet, he does not get home from practice until at least 5:30. On Monday, Andrew needs to complete lessons in all three online classes, attend his other classes, practice with the track team, write three paragraph essay for English (that is due the next day), and study for a Biology test that he will take at the end of the week.

Look at Andrew’s to do list for Monday and the priorities he has assigned each task.

Daily To Do List Priority Level A, B, or C
Get up/ready/breakfast A
Online Classes A
School Classes A
Track Practice A
Write Essay A
Study notes for biology test


Wash track uniform B
Contact friends about movie night on Friday C

As you can see, Andrew has several things that must be done today (priority A), a few things that should be done but could wait for another day (priority B), and one thing that can wait indefinitely (priority C).  Because Andrew’s in-school classes are early in the day, he usually saves time by doing his online classes in the computer lab at school before track practice. When he arrives at the lab on Monday, he learns that the internet is down, and he will not be able to access his courses. Andrew is already a little behind in math, and if he does not get caught up by Friday, he cannot run in the track meet. He is feeling a little panicked. He will have to wait to get online until he gets home this evening. In the meantime, he decides to write his essay and study for his biology test during the time he would have completed his online assignments. Feeling a little more in control, Andrew heads for track practice and then catches a ride home with a friend. Unfortunately, his friend’s car runs out of gas, and Andrew arrives home an hour later than he expected. What should Andrew do?

What is the first event that affected Andrew’s plan for the day?

  1. he forgot his homework
  2. he is behind in his work
  3. the internet is down
  4. he has a pop quiz

When he arrives at the lab on Monday, he learns that the internet is down, and he will not be able to access his online courses and complete his required assignments.

When he arrives at the lab on Monday, he learns that the internet is down, and he will not be able to access his online courses and complete his required assignments.

When he arrives at the lab on Monday, he learns that the internet is down, and he will not be able to access his online courses and complete his required assignments.

When he arrives at the lab on Monday, he learns that the internet is down, and he will not be able to access his online courses and complete his required assignments.

Why is Andrew feeling stressed?

  1. He gets frustrated when things do not go as planned.
  2. He is falling behind in biology.
  3. Unexpected events may put him further behind in math.
  4. He cannot get the computers to work correctly.

Andrew is already a little behind in math, and if he does not get caught up by Friday, he cannot run in the track meet. He is feeling a little panicked.

Andrew is already a little behind in math, and if he does not get caught up by Friday, he cannot run in the track meet. He is feeling a little panicked.

Andrew is already a little behind in math, and if he does not get caught up by Friday, he cannot run in the track meet. He is feeling a little panicked.

Andrew is already a little behind in math, and if he does not get caught up by Friday, he cannot run in the track meet. He is feeling a little panicked.

How did Andrew deal with the first disruption to his plan?

  1. He hoped he could get caught up tomorrow.
  2. He skipped track practice to get caught up.
  3. He chose to do his English essay and study for biology immediately and do his online classes in the evening.
  4. He planned talk to his counselor and see if she will help him persuade the math teacher to give him more time to catch up.

He knew he had to wait to get online until he gets home in the evening. In the meantime, he decided to write his essay and study for his biology test during the time he would have completed his online assignments.

He knew he had to wait to get online until he gets home in the evening. In the meantime, he decided to write his essay and study for his biology test during the time he would have completed his online assignments.

He knew he had to wait to get online until he gets home in the evening. In the meantime, he decided to write his essay and study for his biology test during the time he would have completed his online assignments.

He knew he had to wait to get online until he gets home in the evening. In the meantime, he decided to write his essay and study for his biology test during the time he would have completed his online assignments.

What was the second event that affected Andrew’s plan for the day?

  1. internet was down at home.
  2. He was late getting home from practice.
  3. He took longer than expected to complete his homework.
  4. His counselor was too buy too help him.

Unfortunately, his friend’s car runs out of gas and Andrews arrives home an hour later than he expected.

Unfortunately, his friend’s car runs out of gas and Andrews arrives home an hour later than he expected.

Unfortunately, his friend’s car runs out of gas and Andrews arrives home an hour later than he expected.

Unfortunately, his friend’s car runs out of gas and Andrews arrives home an hour later than he expected.

Now that Andrew is home and running out of time, he must look at his daily to-do list and change his plan again. What is his best option?

  1. Drop calling his friend and stay up late to get everything on his schedule done.
  2. Complete only his assignments from his online classes, however long that takes him.
  3. Do the best he can, go to bed early, and plan for a better day tomorrow.
  4. Complete his online assignments, and if time allows, his B and C items.

Andrew’s best choice if he wants to stay on track is to follow his priorities and make adjustments depending on how long his homework takes. That means he will complete his online assignments which are A priority items, and if time allows, his B and C items.

Andrew’s best choice if he wants to stay on track is to follow his priorities and make adjustments depending on how long his homework takes. That means he will complete his online assignments which are A priority items, and if time allows, his B and C items.

Andrew’s best choice if he wants to stay on track is to follow his priorities and make adjustments depending on how long his homework takes. That means he will complete his online assignments which are A priority items, and if time allows, his B and C items.

Andrew’s best choice if he wants to stay on track is to follow his priorities and make adjustments depending on how long his homework takes. That means he will complete his online assignments which are A priority items, and if time allows, his B and C items.

How did Andrew’s daily plan help him rework his schedule and reduce his stress?

  1. He could show his list to his counselor to get good advice.
  2. He knew what his priorities were and could make sure that he accomplished his A priorities.
  3. He could see that each day gives him a new opportunity and that reduced his stress and let him get some sleep.
  4. He could change his priorities so that his B priorities became A priorities.

By looking at his to do list, he could see everything at once, consider his priorities and then make sure that he accomplished his A priorities.

By looking at his to do list, he could see everything at once, consider his priorities and then make sure that he accomplished his A priorities.

By looking at his to do list, he could see everything at once, consider his priorities and then make sure that he accomplished his A priorities.

By looking at his to do list, he could see everything at once, consider his priorities and then make sure that he accomplished his A priorities.


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