
What Spanish words should you use to discuss everyday activities that take place in class?

Communication with your teacher and classmates is an important part of learning Spanish. Watch this video to help you with your classroom communications.

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This lesson is split up into two parts. In the first part, we'll be talking about words specific to la clase de Espanol, Spanish class. And the second part will speak specifically about what terms you're going to be using in a virtual class environment.

Primero, first, what is a cognate? Have you ever heard that term before? In Spanish, it's called "un cognado." Take a look at these examples. Chocolate is an English word. The Spanish for "chocolate" is "chocolate." This will be considered a cognate. Any word that looks or sounds similar to a word in another language could be considered a cognate. Let's take a look at a few more examples.

Los cognados, also known as palabras conocidas, known words. Here's a list of words that we may not necessarily talk about in this vocab list or in this lesson. But the words that you can figure out, that's really what a cognate is, a word that you can figure out from the English that you already know. So pause for a few seconds and read the following lists. As you can see, there are a lot of these that you can figure out with without even looking at the right. For example, "la clase" is "class," "no" means "no" in English.

A few more words pertaining specifically la clase de Espanol, or any class really. "El profesor," which is a cognate for "professor" or "teacher," and "el maestro," "la office profesora," or "la maestra." Now notice that although these look similar, when you're talking about a male teacher, it ends in o or it just ends in the r. When you're talking about a female teacher, the word changes a little bit, and now it ends with an a. Rewind and try saying these words again with me.

We're going to be using this photo for a few different examples. Take this conversation between Maria y Elena for example: "¿Como se dice water?" "What does water mean?" Elena could answer by saying "Se dice agua." Maria could then say, "¿Que significa bailar?" "What does bailar mean?" and then Elena could answer with "Bailar significa "to dance." Significa almost looks like signifies here, and it means "to represent," so bailar means "to dance."

Gracias, which most of us speak English know already to be "thanks." De nada means "you're welcome." ¿Como se dice Mr. or Mrs.? So you can address your teacher from now on as "Mr. or Mrs. ____" in Spanish. Mr. is "señor." Repeat after me, "señor." Miss, so someone who's not married, would be señorita, and the last one will be Mrs.--señora, a woman who is married.



What is a cognate?

It is a word that you figure out its meaning because it looks like English. However, its pronunciation may be different.

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Think you've got it?

In this course, you have been introduced to a number of words that are cognates. Can you identify them?

Which one is the cognate?

  1. nervioso
  2. divertido
  3. cansado

¡Bien! Yes, you can determine that nervioso means "nervous" by looking at it.

Divertido and cansado are not cognates. Find their meanings in your vocabulary lists.

Divertido and cansado are not cognates. Find their meanings in your vocabulary lists.

How about here... Click on the cognate.

  1. es
  2. usted

¡Muy bien! Es looks like is in English. It is a cognate.

and usted are the two subject pronouns that mean "you." Neither is a cognate.

and usted are the two subject pronouns that mean "you." Neither is a cognate.

One more... Click on the cognate.

  1. interesante
  2. cómo
  3. estar

¡Sí, Correcto! You have selected the cognate. Its pronouncation is different in Spanish, but you know its meaning is "interesting."

Cómo and estar are not cognates. Remember that a cognate looks like English, and you can easily guess its meaning.

Cómo and estar are not cognates. Remember that a cognate looks like English, and you can easily guess its meaning.


Questions answered correctly:

Questions answered incorrectly:

Look at the table below and see if you can tell which words are cognates and which are not. When you think you know, click on the word to reveal the answer.

Is it a cognate? Answer
la clase
el profesor
la palabra