
What has stress ever done for you?

Earlier in this lesson, you learned about stress and how it can be both helpful and harmful to your health. When faced with immediate, physical danger, the fight-or-flight response can give us the boost we need to combat that danger or to run to safety. Low levels of stress can help us be extra alert and focused during an important exam. But when the body releases stress hormones in response to everyday hassles or worries, even ones we think are worthwhile or positive, it can cause negative changes in our physical and mental health.

Student playing video game Depressed Student

Think back on stressful situations in your life. When was stress helpful to you? What did eustress allow you to do or to do better? When was stress harmful? Has distress ever prevented you from doing something or from doing something well? What have you found to be a useful way of dealing with distress?

Go to the next discussion assignment in this course and post your answer to the questions above. Be sure to provide examples to support your answers. Then, respond to the posts of at least one other classmate.