
How do you measure an angle accurately?

Angles are measured in units called degrees. The degree of an angle is a number from 0 to 360 that tells you how large the angle is. It represents how much "turn" or incline the angle has. Degrees are indicated by writing a number followed by the symbol "°" to the right of the number. For example, 45° means 45 degrees. To write that the measure of angle A is 45 degrees, you would write m\(\mathsf{ \angle }\)A = 45°.

Here is what a 45° angle looks like:

45° angle.

To measure the degrees of an angle, you'll need a special tool called a protractor. You can verify that the angle above is 45° by laying the protractor on top of the angle, as shown below. (Note: The initial side, or base, of the angle is placed along the straightedge of the protractor.

Protractor measuring 45°.


Is the angle on this page positive or negative?

Positive. The incline of the terminal arm is rotated counterclockwise from the initial side.