
What kinds of people were motivated to head West, and why?

The migration westward was a way for brave souls to pursue their personal dreams and also to fulfill the mission of manifest destiny—the belief that American expansion was fated to happen. Various populations made the journey west for various reasons. Many settlers were lured by timber, gold, silver, or rich, unspoiled lands for farming and ranching. Some went just for the adventure or the desire for a fresh start. A few groups of settlers were distinct in their shared ethnic backgrounds, religious affiliations, or specific purpose for making the journey.

See if you can match each group of settlers with their primary motivation for heading west.


To live without laws

To prospect for gold in California

To escape a rebellion

To see the Pacific Ocean

Forty-Niners descended upon California by the tens of thousands in hopes of striking it rich in the Gold Rush.
Forty-Niners descended upon California by the tens of thousands in hopes of striking it rich in the Gold Rush.

To seek gold in California

To build hospitals and schools

To spread their faith to new communities

To set up settlements in Utah

While frontier missionaries did provide communities with schools, hospitals and other necessary infrastructure, their primary motivation was to establish their faith on the American frontier.
While frontier missionaries did provide communities with schools, hospitals and other necessary infrastructure, their primary motivation was to establish their faith on the American frontier.
Chinese immigrants

To escape a rebellion

To work on transcontinental railroads

To prospect for gold in California

To set up Chinatowns

The primary motive for Chinese immigration to the U.S. mainland was to participate in the California Gold Rush.
The primary motive for Chinese immigration to the U.S. mainland was to participate in the California Gold Rush.

To enjoy religious freedom

To legally have more than one spouse

To convert Native Americans to Christianity

To learn new farming techniques

Mormons headed west to the state of Utah to establish settlements where they could practice their religion without persecution.
Mormons headed west to the state of Utah to establish settlements where they could practice their religion without persecution.
