In this lesson, you have found the word stress is often associated with negative concepts. When the pressure of difficult circumstances or uncomfortable situations become too great, they produce negative stress and eventually may push you into a state of distress. In reality, stress is neither good nor bad. It is simply the body’s reaction to change. When change is enough to cause you to stretch and grow, it can have a tremendous positive impact. When stress becomes too great, it can be overwhelming and push you into a state of distress. Distress is as the names implies – it is stress that has escalated to the point that it has a negative impact.
Many stress symptoms are an automatic response to the body’s internal flight or fight mechanism. Chemicals flood your body and launch changes over which you have no control. When stress is kept at a manageable level, the changes in your body can inspire and motivate you to new levels of achievement. As you develop new learning and personal management strategies, you will also find that you can better manage the challenges and opportunities of stress.
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