Congratulations! By the time you reach this part of the lesson, you should have completed the first draft of your script. Now it's time to revise—to read through your script an look for ways to improve it.

Professional writers, including playwrights, may revise their scripts many times before sending to a publisher, studio, or production company. You only need to revise once before submitting your script, though.
The table below explains a revision process based on the acronym ARM strategy. Click each element of the strategy to learn more about that stage in the process. Then review your own script, identifying any changes that need to be made.
Would additional dialogue or stage directions make the action and characters clearer to your audience?
Are any lines of dialogue unnecessary or potentially confusing? Remember, every bit of dialogue should serve a purpose, such as moving the plot forward or developing the characters.
Do any details or events need to be moved around? Sometimes as the draft of your script develops, events no longer make sense where you had placed them originally.
Once you have identified the changes you need to make, rewrite your script, making the necessary changes.