
The way you design your website can actually increase its visibility to Internet users.

If you're curious about a topic and want to know more, what do you do? Head to the public library to search for a book? Email an expert? Ask your parents? If you're like most 21st-century humans, you find a computer and "google" it. Google is just one option, of course, but in American culture at least, this proper noun used as a verb has come to mean "use an Internet search engine."

You probably have a basic understanding of what a search engine is and does. When you start publishing your own websites, though, it's a good idea to know exactly how search engines work. If you understand the technology behind them, you can build the kinds of websites that search engines "like," and they will reward you by placing your website near the top in a list of search results. That means more traffic for your website, and more exposure for your ideas or products!

one street is almost empty, the other street is packed with traffic

The attempt to make a website more noticeable and attractive to search engines is called search engine optimization (SEO). When you optimize, or improve, your web site in this way, you make specific choices or changes in the way it's designed and developed—all with the goal of making it more search-engine-friendly.

This lesson will explain some of the strategies you can use to improve your website's performance with search engines while introducing you to the field of SEO.


Why is it important to perform some sort of search engine optimization on your web site?

By far, the majority of Internet surfers use search engines to find the information or content they want—rather than typing in a known web address or url.

If a link to your web site typically shows up on the first page of a list of search results, your site's traffic will increase exponentially.