From the very beginning, people have had to find ways of working together. Sometimes they
fought it out and the victor would be in charge. When the early Americans first settled this
continent, they tried out various approaches to government. It was clear that someone had to
be in charge of making some decisions or there would be chaos and everyone would suffer.
Sometimes the religious leader became the leader of the community, and sometimes the most
outspoken person with the clearest vision became the authority.
People had to find a way to work together if they were to survive. Government is something
which, when it works well, gives people tools for working together to make decisions and rules
to benefit and protect everyone.
Have you ever tried to live with no rules at all? What do you think might happen?
If there were no rules, there might be mass confusion and chaos. It is likely that may people would be victimized and taken advantage of by others. Society would not run very efficiently.