Each of us is a member of various social groups, ranging from our family to our neighborhood, to the local softball or soccer team, or to our church group or ceramics class. We each play many roles in life, and even in the course of one day. Each group has its own values, rules, and expected behaviors. Perhaps one of the groups you are part of takes time to listen to each other or to help each other. Maybe another group plays sports together. Some groups are very casual about their friendships and punctuality is not important. However, some groups feel that being on time for events is very important. These specifics are the rules that help to uphold our standards or values. Effective socialization means understanding the values and rules of our particular social groups.
As children, we learn to adapt to the values and rules of our family, and as we grow, we learn to adapt to the values and rules of the larger community. Finally, as adults, we must learn to live in harmony with the values and rules of our country.
Try to list at least 5 social groups that you belong to. What rules or values do you think are most important to each group?