
If you don't already know if two triangles are congruent, how can you find out?

Triangles are congruent when all three pairs of corresponding sides are congruent and all three pairs of corresponding angles are congruent. However, you don't have to know the length of all three sides or the measure of all three angles to know if two triangles are congruent. If you know a specific combination of three sides and angles, that information is enough to prove that two triangles are congruent.

Three postulates of congruent triangles can help you prove that two triangles are congruent, even when you are given incomplete information about the triangles. Study the content in each tab to learn these ways of determining congruence.




SSS stands for "side, side, side." If two triangles have three corresponding congruent sides, the triangles are congruent. If you know that all 3 pairs of corresponding sides in two triangles are congruent, you don't need to know anything about the angles. Here's an example of how to use the SSS property to show congruence.

Two congruent triangles with their sides labeled.

For triangles ABC and XWY we know \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{AB} }\) ≅ \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{XW} }\), \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{AC} }\) ≅ \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{XY} }\) and \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{BC} }\) ≅ \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{WY} }\), so these two triangles are congruent by SSS congruence.

SAS stands for "side, angle, side." If two triangles have two pairs of corresponding congruent sides plus congruent included angles, then the two triangles are congruent. An included angle is the angle that is formed by the intersection of the two sides. Here's an example of SAS congruence.

Two congruent triangles with two sides marked and one angle marked.

For triangles DCE and ORN we know \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{DC} }\) ≅ \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{OR} }\), \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{CE} }\) ≅ \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{RN} }\) and the included angles,  \(\mathsf{ \angle }\)C and \(\mathsf{ \angle }\)R, are congruent. Notice that the angles are formed by two sides, therefore they are included angles.

ASA stands for "angle, side, angle." If two triangles have two pairs of corresponding congruent angles plus one pair of included corresponding congruent sides, the two triangles are congruent. This congruent side is called an included side because it is shared by the two congruent angles. The following is an example of ASA congruence.

Two congruent triangles marked angle side angle.

For triangles OBW and AMN we know \(\mathsf{ \angle }\)B ≅ \(\mathsf{ \angle }\)M, \(\mathsf{ \angle }\)O ≅ \(\mathsf{ \angle }\)A, and included sides \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{BO} }\) and \(\small\mathsf{ \overline{MA} }\) are also congruent.


Suppose you see two triangles, and you are able to measure the sides of the triangles. Because you lost your protractor, you are not able to measure the angles. Which property will help you decide if the triangles are congruent?

SSS. You can measure all three sides, and if the corresponding sides are the same length, then the triangles are congruent.


What if you lost your protractor and your ruler, but all three angles of the two triangles are marked. Do you have enough information to decide if the two triangles are congruent?

No. There is no AAA or "angle, angle, angle" postulate for congruent triangles. You have to know the measurement of at least one included side to use the ASA property to determine congruence.