
Practice using CPCTC to write math statements about congruent triangles.

Using the CPCTC rule, you can write statements about congruent triangles that you know are true. Try answering the following questions using your knowledge of CPCTC. First, type an answer to each of the questions below the triangles. Check your work when you get to the last screen of the activity. Finally, make sure you understand why each of your answers was correct or incorrect.

Two congruent triangles.

Triangles ABC and DEF are congruent. Name all the corresponding congruent sides of the two triangles.

Triangles ABC and DEF are congruent. Name all the corresponding congruent angles of the two triangles.

Your Responses Sample Answers
  Since the two triangles are congruent, CPCTC tells us the following corresponding sides are congruent.
\(\small\mathsf{ \overline{AB} }\) ≅ \(\mathsf{ \overline{DE} }\)
\(\small\mathsf{ \overline{AC} }\) ≅ \(\mathsf{ \overline{DF} }\)
\(\small\mathsf{ \overline{BC} }\) ≅ \(\mathsf{ \overline{EF} }\)
  Since the two triangles are congruent, CPCTC tell us that the following angles are congruent:
\(\mathsf{ \angle }\)A ≅ \(\mathsf{ \angle }\)D
\(\mathsf{ \angle }\)B ≅ \(\mathsf{ \angle }\)E
\(\mathsf{ \angle }\)C ≅ \(\mathsf{ \angle }\)F