
Use your knowledge of the properties of congruent triangles to test for congruence.

Many problems you encounter later in this course will require you to determine if two triangles are congruent by using your knowledge of the SSS, SAS, and ASA properties. Use the activity below to practice showing congruence (or lack of congruence) for sets of triangles.

Here is the first question on the worksheet.

triangle ABC and tirangle DEF Are triangles ABC and DEF congruent by SSS, SAS, or ASA?

Justify your answer.

No. Only two pairs of angles are identified as congruent.


What does it mean to "justify your answer"? What should you include on the worksheet to meet this requirement?

You should identify or name the corresponding parts of the triangles that are congruent. You should also identify the property that you used to decide if the triangles are congruent. OR you should explain why the triangles are not congruent.

Click the Activity button to access the Testing for Congruence worksheet. When you have answered each of the questions, making sure to justify your answers, click on the Answer Key button to check your work.