Round Down
Round Up
4 or less in the tens ←
5 or more in the tens →
This chart has the hundreds at the beginning and the end. This will help us to know what to round up or down to!
Goal: Learn how a number line and a thousand chart can help us round.
Savannah made 256 meals. About how many meals did she make? We can find this out by rounding to the nearest 100. We will use a number line to round.
Rounding to the nearest 10:
256 Round the 5 up or down, the 6 becomes a 0.
Rounding to the nearest 100:
256 Round the 2 up or down, the 5 and 6 become 0's.
This number line has benchmark numbers that are 100s. Benchmark numbers are friendly numbers we use to round.
Which two numbers is 256 between?
Here is 256 marked on our number line:
256 is a little closer to 300. 256 rounds up to 300!
We can also use a thousand chart to round.