

How do we use a number line with 100s to round?



thinking monkey with bulls eye target


Goal: Use a number line to round.

Let’s round to the nearest 100!

What is 648 rounded to the nearest 100?

The benchmark numbers jump by 100s from 0 to 1,000. 648 is between 600 and 700. Which benchmark number is it closest to?

Let’s check that on our thousand chart. Circle the 6 and underline the 4 in 648.


648 has 6 hundreds and 4 tens. Find a number on the chart that has the same digits. Click Show Me to check your work!

Can you round 648 to the nearest 100?

  1. 700
  2. 650

Yes! 648 rounds down to 600.

Sorry, that was not right. 648 rounds down to 600.

Sorry, that was not right. 648 rounds down to 600.


Questions answered correctly:

Questions answered incorrectly:

Practice rounding to the nearest 100. When you are done, turn in your assignment to your teacher with your Weekly Written Work.

Number Line and Thousand Chart