
Let’s Learn!

Learn about the metric system.



Think About It!

Goal: What is the metric system?

The icicles are different sizes. We can measure height and length using the metric system. The metric system is a unit of measurement that uses centimeters and meters. We can use rulers and meter sticks to measure in centimeters and meters. Click the images below to see what each tool is used to measure. Then, click through the slides to learn how to use each measuring tool.

This icicle is very small. Let’s use a ruler to measure it in centimeters.

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Rulers are made up of 30 centimeters.

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The word “centimeters” can also be written as “cm.”

We can measure the icicle by lining up 0 cm on the ruler with the beginning of the icicle.

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How long is the icicle?

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Meter sticks are helpful to use when measuring large objects, like this icicle.

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Meter sticks are a little more than three times as big as a ruler. They are made up of 100 centimeters.

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“Meter” can also be written as “m.”

We can measure the icicle by lining up 0 cm on the ruler with the beginning of the icicle. This icicle is longer than the meter stick, so let’s add another meter stick below it.

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How long is the icicle?

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