It’s Your Turn!
Can you measure these objects?
Goal: Practice measuring objects using a ruler and a meter stick.
Can you measure objects using a ruler and a meter stick? Use the game below to find out!
How long is the skate?
Type the length of the item below.
'Check' to check your answer!
Yes! That is the correct length.
Sorry, that is not the correct length.
How long is the candy cane?
Type the length of the item below.
'Check' to check your answer!
Yes! That is the correct length.
Sorry, that is not the correct length.
How long is the ornament?
Type the length of the item below.
'Check' to check your answer!
Yes! That is the correct length.
Sorry, that is not the correct length.
How long is the branch?
Type the length of the item below.
'Check' to check your answer!
Yes! That is the correct length.
Sorry, that is not the correct length.
How long is the present?
Type the length of the item below.
'Check' to check your answer!
Yes! That is the correct length.
Sorry, that is not the correct length.