
Problem Solving

How do you use what you have learned to solve problems?



measuring penguin


Goal: Apply what you have learned about line plots and line graphs to solve word problems.

The class has finally finished their displays about the construction project! Let's look at the data and see what we can interpret about the overall cost of the project.

Word Problem Solving Steps

  1. Read the problem.
  2. Look for important information.
  3. Choose a way to display your data, a line plot or line graph.
  4. Create the appropriate display.
  5. Solve and label your answer.
A teacher in the classroom teaching her students.
Line plot. Shingle 4, Filter 2, Tile 3, Sand 4, Bolt 6 Line Graph Title: Cost of Sand. Scale: Cost in Dollars: 5 Dollars, 6 Dollars, 7 Dollar, 8 Dollars, 9 Dollars, 10 Dollars. Janaury 7 Dollars, February 6 Dollars, March 8 Dollars, April 7 Dollars, May 10 Dollars.

Great Job!

Oops, try again.

Great job! Let's see how much you have learned!