
Let’s Practice!

Can you answer questions about data displayed on a line plot and on a line graph?



You Can Do It!

Goal: Decide which data scenario should be displayed in a line plot or a line graph

Let's continue to practice comparing how data should be displayed!

Look at the following data. How should we display it? The class collected data asking students their favorite day of the week. Here are the results. Click the Show Me button to see how this data would be best shown.

Monday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Wednesday, Friday, Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Friday

This data should be displayed using a line plot!

What would it look like to display this type of data? Click the Show Me button to see if you are right!

A line plotTitle: Favorite Day of the Week. Monday 1, Tuesday 2, Wednesday 4, Thursday 1, Friday 7.

Let's look at some new data and answer questions about how that data should be displayed.

Data Chart: Title Plant Growth. Column 1: Day, Column 2: Inches, Monday 1 Inch, Tuesday 2 Inches, Wednesday 4 inches, Thursday 1 Inches, Friday 7 inches.

How should this data be displayed?

This should be displayed on a line graph!

What would it look like to display this type of data? Click the Show Me button to see if you are right!

Line GraphTitle: Plant Growth. Scale: Inches 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Monday 1 Inch, Tuesday 2 Inches, Wednesday 4 inches, Thursday 1 Inches, Friday 7 inches