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What is the difference between a line plot and a line graph? How do both show data?



measure penguin.

Think About It!

Goal: Compare line plots to line graphs.

With the construction project coming to an end soon, the class wants to make sure that they are displaying their data in the right way. Let’s review the different ways to display data.


Data is information collected by asking questions or observing how often something occurs.

A line plot is a graph that is used to organize and compare data on a number line.

A line graph is a graph that organizes and compares how data changes over time.

A line plot is a graph that uses columns of X's above a number line to show frequency of data. Frequency is the number of times an event or value happens. The line plot helps us see groups in the data. We create a line plot by drawing a number line and labeling it. Then, we record data above the line.

A group of hard hats. Row 1: White Hard Hat, Orange Hard Hat, Orange Hard Hat, White Hard Hat, Orange Hard, Row 2: Black Hard Hat, Yellow Hard Hat, Yellow Hard Hat, Black Hard Hat, Yellow Hard Hat. Row 3: Black Hard Hat, Yellow Hard Hat, Orange Hard Hat, Orange Hard Hat, White Hard Hat. Line PlotLine Plot: White 3, Black 3, Orange 5, Yellow 4.

A line graph is a graph that organizes and compares how data changes over time. Data is information collected by asking questions or observing how often something occurs.

A data chart: Title: Temperature over one week. Column 1: Day, Column 2: Temperature (in Farienheit) Sunday 80 degrees Farienheit Monday 82 degrees Farienheit Tuesday 84 degrees Farienheit Wednesday 85 degrees Farienheit Thursday 80 degrees Farienheit Friday 76 degrees Farienheit Saturday 78 degrees Farienheit. Line graph: Title Temperature over one week. Scale: Temperatures in Farienheit: 74,76,78,80,82,84,86. Sunday 80 degrees Farienheit Monday 82 degrees Farienheit Tuesday 84 degrees Farienheit Wednesday 85 degrees Farienheit Thursday 80 degrees Farienheit Friday 76 degrees Farienheit Saturday 78 degrees Farienheit.

Some situations call for line plots, and others call for line graphs. Click on the situations below to see which representation works best

line graph

line plot

line plot

line graph

line plot

line graph

Remember that line graphs always include a unit of time!