
Types of News

What are the different types of news?



News is any story that is happening right now in any location. There are a few different types of news—let’s learn about them! Read through each tab to learn about different types of news.

Police officers standing in a row.

The first type of news is current events. Current events are events happening right now. You may hear a news reporter announce that there is “breaking news” about a certain event. Breaking news means that something new is happening at this very moment, or there is an update to a news story that has already been reported. Current events often involve the work of the police officers keeping people safe.

Current events happen in your neighborhood and all around the world!

A newscaster covering a sporting event.

Another type of news is sporting events. This news tells us who won major football, basketball, and baseball games in our country. We can learn who won world championship games, as well as local high school championships. Any sport can be reported on. Team sports like soccer, and individual sports like golf, can all be included in sporting event news. The news can show us the highlights, or the best parts, of the games through video clips! News can also tell us events about the teams. If there is a coaching change or a player changes teams, that is news, too.

A meteorologist talking about the weather forecast.

Weather reports are also news. We learn about the current weather and weather that is coming over the next few weeks from the meteorologist. Remember, a meteorologist uses special equipment to make predictions about the weather. That prediction is called the forecast. Meteorologists can give us the forecast for the current day, the next few days, and the next few weeks. It is helpful to know if a big snowstorm is coming or if rain is on the way. We can prepare and make plans based on the weather.


What are the different types of news?

The three types of news are current events, sporting events, and weather forecasts.