
All About News




What is news?

Person talking to a new reporter on TV.

Have you ever heard the word “news” before? Perhaps someone you know has told you what they heard or saw on the news. Adults like to know what is happening around them, and the news tells us! The news gives us information about what is happening right now. Click the tabs below to find out what news is and where it happens.

A nice neighborhood.

Everyone’s neighborhood looks different, but everyone’s neighborhood has news! The news tells us what is happening currently, or right now, in our neighborhoods. If a new playground is being installed at your local park, that’s news. If a car accident happened in your neighborhood, that’s news. If there is a trash clean-up day being organized by your neighborhood, that’s news, too!

A city.

What city is closest to you? A city is bigger than your neighborhood, and your city has news! If your city is getting a new toy store, that’s news. Maybe a famous singer is coming to your city for a concert, that’s news. We like to know what the weather will be in our city. The weather is news.

All the fifty states.

What state do you live in? Can you find the shape of your state in the picture? Your state is bigger than your city, and your state has news! If a major highway in your state is closed and cars need to take a different route, that’s news. If there is a school in a different part of your state that raised money for a good cause, that’s news.

The United States of America.

Do you know what country you live in? You might live in the United States of America or you might live somewhere else. Our country is bigger than our state, and our country has news! Anything that happens in another state is news. If another state gets 3 feet of snow, that’s news. If it is very hot across half of the country, that’s news. If a scientist creates a new invention on the other side of the country, that’s news, too.

The world.

News all around the world is called world news! World news is current events, or things happening right now, all around the world. If a new president is elected in another country, that’s news. If a cargo ship carrying goods across the ocean to another country is delayed because of a storm, that’s news. If a professional soccer team in another country wins the championship, that’s news, too.


What is news and where does news happen?

News is any information about what is going on right now. News happens everywhere!