
Look at the News!

Let’s watch a video about the news!



We can learn a lot about what is happening around us when we watch or listen to the news. Let’s watch this video to learn more about the news!

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What is news? News is all around you. News is any information about what is happening or has happened recently.

News is usually put into different categories. One category is current events. This category tells us about past and present major happenings.

Some examples of current events are news of a forest fire, a new hospital opening, a community fundraiser, or a traffic accident.

News also can be sporting events. A young baseball team winning the Little League World Series is big news for many people! Soccer game results and long-distance runners who win are also news stories.

Weather is also important news. Meteorologists give important information about the daily weather so that people can prepare. They also warn people when storms come so that they can protect themselves and their property.

What are different ways people get news? Take a moment to look at the picture clues to see if you can identify different ways people get news.

Watching news on TV, reading the newspaper, talking with people, listening to the radio, and reading news articles in magazines or on the Internet are different ways that people get news.

The next time you hear news, take a moment to think about what kind of news it is AND how you got it. Remember, news is an important way to stay informed about what is happening around you.


Why do we have news?

News is an important way to stay informed about what is happening around you.