
Compass Rose

What is a compass rose?




Have you ever used a compass? It can help you know what direction you are facing and guide you in the direction you want to go.

A compass uses magnets to point north.

Compass in hand.

A compass rose is a drawing that shows the different directions.

Colorful Illustration Featuring a World Map Highlighting the Seven Continents

The compass rose is at the bottom left of the map.


There are four cardinal directions on a compass and compass rose: north, south, east, and west

North is up. ↑

South is down. ↓

East is right. →

West is left. ←

There are also four intermediate directions on a compass and compass rose: northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest


The red marker indicates where both the truck and van need to go on the map. Use the compass rose to figure out which direction they should travel to reach their destination.

delivery van and map

Which direction does the truck need to go?

It needs to go south or southeast.

delivery van and map

Which direction does the van need to go?

It needs to go west or southwest.

delivery van and map

If you are at Point A, what direction from you is Point B?

It is north northwest.