
Intent and Meaning

What does the U.S. Constitution mean?



US Constitution on Parchment paper on isolated white

The Constitution is the document that states the country's principles and laws. It is the supreme law in America.

US Constitution with quill pen, ink, glasses, candle and flag with thirteen stars

What is the intent of the U.S. Constitution? Click on each number to learn the three answers to this question.


How is the Constitution organized? Click on the image below to reveal the word.

A _ t _ c _ e _

US Constitution document, showing Article 1

The Constitution is organized into seven articles. Click on each Roman numeral to read what each article is about.

Roman Numeral 1
Roman Numeral 2
Roman Numeral 3
Roman Numeral 4
Roman Numeral 5
Roman Numeral 6
Roman Numeral 7
Amendments - Gold text on black background

There are currently 27 amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights. The last amendment was made in 1992.