Basic Principles and Ideals
What are the big ideas in the Preamble and the U.S. Constitution?
One of the biggest principles in the U.S. Constitution is the balance of power. The document needed to give the government enough power to be successful, but not too much power like King George III of England. The people did not want a government that could take away their rights or the rights of the colonies at that time. The members of the Constitutional Convention created a three-branch government system with checks and balances for each. The three branches are the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. The other key ideals and principles can be found in the Preamble, or introduction, to the U.S. Constitution. Read the Preamble in its entirety below.
"We the People of the United States"The first three words say a lot. "We the People" means everyone. No one is excluded or left out of the opportunities in this country. "establish Justice"This means to have a rule of law that is fair. "insure domestic Tranquility"The writers of the Constitution wanted to keep peace in the United States. "provide for the common defense"The Constitution framers wanted to be sure the country was protected from attacks from other countries. "promote the general Welfare"This is a key reason for the Constitution. The government is given the power to tax people and use the money for the well-being and benefit of the people. "secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"The colonists had fought hard for their freedom. They wanted this freedom secured for themselves and for those to come. |