
Finding a Research Topic

How can researching a topic help you understand it more? How do you get started? What do you need to do first?



The video below will help you get started in your research by showing you different topics to choose from and how to begin.

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Research a Topic

When you are assigned to research a Social Studies topic, what should you do?

The first step is to choose a topic that is of high interest to you.

What have you learned about this year that you enjoyed or wanted to learn more about? Let’s review some of the topics and listen for what peaks your interest. What are you excited to learn more about?

Native Americans, the Mexican-American War, your state’s history, landmarks, famous people, or places to go?

You could research the Civil War, the U.S. Government and its important documents, military, voting rights, or more.

What interests you? Business and the economy, the environment, geography, the Great Depression, or World War II?

Would you want to research inventions and technology or one of the countries or continents of the world?

Write your topic at the top of your paper. This is what you will research.

Now make three columns under your topic. For the K, or Know column, write down what you already know about your topic. Choose at least three facts you know.

Next, write down your questions under the W. What do you wonder about your topic? What do you want to learn? Write at least three questions.

Now you can start your research. Go to the library or research your questions online with an adult.

When you learn the answers to your questions, take notes under the L column. Don’t forget to write down where you found the answers.

You know what to do and you have your tools. What will you choose to learn about?

The sky is the limit!



A KWL chart is useful when you research. What does KWL stand for?

Know, Wonder (or Want to learn), Learn