
Poem and Fluency Check: Tess is a Mess

audio buttonAre you ready to read "Tess is a Mess" one last time? You have worked on this story all week, and now it is time to show off your hard work.



audio buttonYou have been reading this poem all week long. Now, it is time to show off your hard work and record yourself reading so your teacher can make sure you are reading at a nice, steady pace.

Click on the book below to begin reading “Tess is a Mess." To move to the next page in the book, just click on the right side of your book. To go back in the poem, click on the left side of your book.

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audio buttonUsing the audio recording software of your choice, record yourself reading the story on your own. Then submit it to your teacher for a grade.

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PDF Download Click the icon to download a PDF version of the story.

audio buttonThink about the following before you take a quiz on this poem:

  • Who is the main character in this poem?
  • What are some of the things that Tess does in this poem?

audio buttonIt is time to take your quiz on “Tess is a Mess.” After you have finished the quiz, go to the next page for your Independent Reading Assignment and Quiz.