
Fluency Check: Chimp and Whale at the Beach

audio buttonAre you ready to read "Chimp and Whale at the Beach" one last time? You have worked so hard on this story, and now it is time to show off your work.



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Chimp and the Whale at the Beach written by Kaylynn D. Johnson
Reading Warm Up. New Sight Words: every, live, then & six. Practice reading your new sight words before you read the story.
Chimp and Whale are good pals. But they live far apart.
So every six months they go to the beach and have a bunch of fun!
Chimp and Whale play checkers while they are at the beach. Whale is the champ!
Then, Chimp and Whale each eat a peach while they are at the beach.
Then, Chimp and Whale whistle while they are at the beach.
Then, Chimp and Whal chew on cherries while they are at the beach.
Then, Chimp and Whale play chase while they are at the beach.
Then, Chimp and Whale take a photo while they are at the beach.
Phew! Chimp and Whale are whipped!
Whale and Chimp wish they could live at the beach every day! But they will see each other again in six months.
The End!

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audio buttonOnce you have finished reading "Chimp and Whale at the Beach," be sure to take your reading quiz on the story.