
What Are Heredity and Genetics?

Do you look more like your mom or dad? Why do you think so?



The passing on of traits, characteristics or qualities from parents to offspring is called heredity. All plants and animals--large, medium, and microscopic--inherit traits from their parents through information in the cells. The modern science and study of heredity is called genetics.

The shape of our eyes, our hair color, the shape of our nose, and our skin color, and to some degree even the quality of our gestures and movements, are inherited traits. Inherited traits are controlled by genes. Genes carry instructions for our design down to the last detail.

Genes are located on the chromosomes. Chromosomes are tiny coiled threads found in the nuclei of cells. Genes are sites on the chromosomes that control specific traits, such as eye color and hair color. Each parent gives a set of chromosomes to the offspring. All new organisms formed by sexual reproduction contain a set of chromosomes from each parent. The information in the chromosomes from each parent mixes together to create the qualities of the offspring. The chromosomes are formed of molecules of DNA, which is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid.


What is genetics?

Genetics is the study of heredity.


What are some of your genetic traits?

Answers will vary, but could include: blonde hair, brown eyes, tall or short, long eyelashes, or strong bones.