
Dust Bowl in Pictures

What can you learn about the Dust Bowl from photographs taken during that time period?



The images below were taken during the Dust Bowl. Imagine if you lived during this time. How would you feel if you were the person in the image?

Farmer stands in a dust storm in New Mexico, Spring 1935.
Farmer walking in dust storm Cimarron County Oklahoma
Dust bowl, Texas Panhandle
Dust storm, Elkhart, Kansas, May 1937.
Dust Storm in Rolla, Kansas. May 6, 1935. The photo was sent to President Franklin Roosevelt this note, 'Dear Mr. Roosevelt, Darkness came when it hit us.'
A dust storm in Hugoton Kansas 1936
Broke, baby sick, and car trouble!
A migratory family living in a trailer in an open field. No sanitation, no water.