
Culture Storyboard

What have you learned about other cultural regions around the world?



Choose one ethnic group different from your own ethnicity to research. To help guide you in your search, open a browser window and type in the name of your chosen ethnic group and then type in "+ culture" to find the food, dress, manners, and any other characteristics unique to that group.

google icon

Using what you learned from research, create a Google Slide. Add images to your slide, if possible.

Steps to Creating a Google Slide

  1. Open the Google Slides home screen at slides.google.com.
  2. In the top left under "Start a new presentation," click New. This will open a new presentation.
  3. Type the name of the ethnicity you researched.
  4. List any characteristics unique to the culture (Food, dress, manners, etc.).
  5. Add images.
  6. Save and name your Google slide.

Below you will find a storyboard to help you organize your research information. Download it and complete the Lesson 1 Storyboard. Then use it to create your slide. This storyboard will be used throughout this module, so save it and refer to it again in the next lesson. At the end of the module, you will submit your storyboard and slide presentation.