
Concept to Concept

What is the relationship between these ideas?



What do you need to do when you read scientific information? To follow a science writer's line of thinking, you have to see the relationships between the concepts that are examined. That is, you have to see how the concepts are connected to each other. Think of concepts as the building blocks of scientific information.

What do related concepts look like? See if you can think of two concepts related to each topic in this slideshow. Try to imagine what questions a scientific article might answer about the two concepts. First, think of your own concepts and questions. Then, click the Show Me button on each slide to compare your ideas to the ones given. Click the arrow to move to the next slide.

What concepts are included in this topic? How are the concepts related?



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What concepts are included in this topic? How are the concepts related?



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What concepts are included in this topic? How are the concepts related?

BMX rider

BMX Bike Stunts

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What concepts are included in this topic? How are the concepts related?

electric car

Electric Cars

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What concepts are included in this topic? How are the concepts related?



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