
Reading Science Assignment

Can you explain the relationship in your own words?



The first step in reading scientific articles is to understand the relationship between the concepts that are presented. Sometimes you will need to explain these relationships as well. For example, when you take a science test or write a research report about a science topic, you will have to explain how concepts are related.

To practice this important skill, read the article about the science of scuba diving. It describes exactly what happens to a diver's blood when he or she comes up from the ocean floor too quickly. When you are finished reading, you will complete a worksheet.

Click the Read Me button to read the scientific article titled "Not-So-Tiny Bubbles." When you are finished reading, click the Activity button to access and print the Reading Science worksheet. Once you have completed the worksheet, submit it to your teacher for a grade.   

Reading Science

"Not-So-Tiny Bubbles"

This is the rubric your teacher will use to grade this assignment.

  Points Criteria

4 Points
2 You provided an answer to all of the questions in this assignment.
2 Your answers suggest that you completed all of the required reading for the assignment, including the lesson in which the assignment appears.
Skills Mastery

6 Points
3 Your answers show that you understand and can perform the skills related to this assignment.
3 Your answers show that you gave a lot of thought to the questions or parts of the assignment.