
Equator and Prime Meridian

Where are the equator and the prime meridian located?



Globe with the equator and prime meridian labeled.
Prime Meridian

To find exact locations in the world, lines of latitude and longitude were created. These invisible lines measure distances in degrees.

For this to work, there needs to be a starting point, and 0 degrees makes the most sense.

Zero degrees latitude is the equator.

Zero degrees longitude is the prime meridian.

From there, all other latitude and longitude lines were created, and the degrees or distance between each (depending on whether it is latitude or longitude) is the same. This allows people to identify the exact location of a place in the world.

These imaginary lines also divide the world into four hemispheres.

The equator divides the northern and southern hemispheres, and the prime meridian divides the eastern and western hemispheres.

Although the equator and prime meridian are imaginary lines, they still "go through" countries in the world. The equator runs through parts of South America, Africa, and Asia. The prime meridian runs through the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Africa, and Antarctica.


clicker Click image to enlarge.

Monuments, or location markers, have been created in some of these areas. They are popular tourist destinations.

Middle of the World Monument, one of the most visited by tourists from worldwide locations

The Middle of the World Monument is one of the most visited places, located in Quito, Ecuador. You can see the N for "north" and the S for "south," representing the division of hemispheres in that location.

he Royal Observatory, Greenwich on January 1, 2019 in London.

The prime meridian passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London.

Self portrait of a young couple feet standing on the line of the prime meridian in greenwich, London UK.

People can stand on either side of the "line" and be in the eastern or the western hemisphere.


Which imaginary line separates the northern and southern hemispheres?

The equator separates the northern and southern hemispheres.


Which imaginary line runs vertically and crosses at Greenwich, London?

The prime meridian runs vertically, or up and down.