
The Roman Republic had ended. It was now clear that a new form of government was needed to keep Rome strong.

Augustus Caesar

Octavian united Rome and defeated Julius Caesar's killers. For this, the Senate rewarded him with the title of "Augustus" or "revered one." This marked the end of the Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire, because the Senate gave all of its authority to Octavian. Octavian became the first Roman emperor, and he was known as Caesar Augustus from then on. 

Caesar Augustus thought that if he encouraged people to be more interested in values such as simplicity, hard work, patriotism, and religion, they would become more virtuous, which would help the entire empire. He repaired many of the old temples, and built new ones. He encouraged science, art, and literature, built new roads, and created fair taxes.

Augustus also reorganized the government into a system that worked well for hundreds of years. As emperor, he kept all real power for himself, but he often consulted with the Senate. He set up branches of government in all the different areas of the empire, giving the governors just enough power to feel useful, but not enough to take their own control. He started the first firefighting service and the first public police. He was a good ruler from 27 B.C. to 14 A.D., when he died.

Under the Roman Empire, the Roman people lived in peace for 200 years. This period was called the “Pax Romana.”


What key fact allowed Caesar Augustus (but not Julius Caesar) to rule in peace?

Augustus had the support of the Senate.


Who do you think had a greater impact on Rome, Caesar Augustus or Julius Caesar?

Some may feel that Julius was more important because he paved the way for Augustus to be emperor and others may feel that it was Augustus because he made so many changes in ROme and it was under his rule that The Pax Romana began.


What is the difference between a republic and an empire?

A republic is a government based on the people having a say in who is in power through things such as elections. An Empire is one person having all of the power and the people having no say in who is ruler.